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American Customers Visit China Coal Group for Purchase

Date:2023-07-21     Label:

China Coal News


On 21st July, American merchants visited China Coal Group to purchase engineering machinery and equipment. Li Zhenbo, General Manager of Informatisation of China Coal Group and General Manager of China Transportation Group, and Zhou Mingjiao, Sales Director of Cross-border E-commerce Company of China Coal Group, and other leaders warmly received the visiting merchants and warmly welcomed their arrival.

American Customers Visit China Coal Group for Purchase

Mr Li led the American businessmen to visit the digital workshop of China Coal Group's construction machinery, and carefully observed the production process of the equipment and viewed the samples at the production site, and the staff gave a detailed explanation and introduction of the technical parameters of the products. The American customers affirmed and praised our long-term high standard and strict quality control, fast delivery cycle and all-round service.

American Customers Visit China Coal Group for Purchase

After the visit, the two sides conducted in-depth and friendly consultations on further strengthening cooperation and promoting common development, and signed an engineering machinery and equipment procurement contract on the spot, and reached a long-term strategic cooperation.

American Customers Visit China Coal Group for Purchase

American Customers Visit China Coal Group for Purchase

The visit of the American businessmen broadened the market scope of China Coal Group in the United States, and laid a cornerstone for China Coal Group to base itself on the globe and look at the world. All kinds of products produced by China Coal Group are sold well in 166 countries and regions all over the world. In the future, China Coal Group will continue to actively expand the overseas market, and build a hundred-year China Coal brand with excellent quality and attentive service.



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